Club Records at a Glance - Batting

Bowling at a Glance
OverallTurf Only
Highest Number of Runs
Leigh Hardham15131Leigh Hardham14587
Highest Number of Runs in First XI
Leigh Hardham9786
Highest Number of Runs in a Season
1st XIBrad Kruger7782018-19
2nd XIAlex Lundy6351935-36David Hardham4481988-89
3rd XIStan Watson5161939-40Jack McAlister4681956-57
4th XIAlbert Forscutt5781938-39Peter Way5561997-98
5th XIDon McDermott6711985-86
6th XIAlan Poore5341975-76
Highest Number of Runs in a Single Season for the Club
John Bailes8231989-90Brad Kruger7782018-19
Highest Number of Runs in a Single Season for the Club (including mid-week T20s
Matthew Morris9012019-20
Best Batting Average in a Season
1st XIBrad Kruger81.72017-18
2nd XIJack McAlister70.01952-53David Hardham64.01988-89
3rd XIDavid Allamby76.51987-88
4th XIDon McDermott62.61982-83
5th XIRoss Smale93.81989-90
6th XITrevor McIlvenna65.71976-77
Highest Individual Score
1st XITed Wolsley1981932-33 v Tooronga (GF)Troy Lamb1812013-14 v Cheltenham
2nd XIAlbert Forscutt1771922-23 v ToorongaJohn Mark172*1985-86 v South Caulfield
3rd XIStephen Hay1561987-88 v Sandringham
4th XISimon Hancock1781997-98 v Beaumaris
5th XIDon McDermott2181985-86 v Notting Hill
6th XIAlan Poore1291977-78 v Princes Park
Highest Innings Score
1st XI4461937-38 v South Camberwell (GF)8/3702006-07 v Old Mentonians
2nd XI8/3781964-65 v Ormond
3rd XI4431941-42 v Ashburton (GF)9/4251983-84 v Brighton East
4th XI3621956-57 v Sandringham
5th XI4511932-33 v Glen Iris
6th XI9/4481976-77 v Emmanuel (GF)
Highest Recorded Partnerships
1st wktAll271 A Loughron R Smale1989-90 5th XI v East Oakleigh
1st wktTurf223 J Atkinson T Lamb2013-14 1st XI v Cheltenham
2nd wktAll209*J Bailes B Nash1993-94 5th XI v St Leonards
2nd wktTurf208 A Wood L Wood2009-10 4th XI v Middle Park
3rd wktAll216 W Driver D Kivell1958-59 1st XI v Richmond District
4th wktAll264 A Cronin G Eakins1931-32 B XI v Tooronga
4th wktTurf209 T Newton R Symons2007-08 3rd XI v McKinnon (SF)
5th wktAll232 A Cooke J Graham1966-67 1st XI v Flemington & Kensington (SF)
6th wktAll218 G Hay J Martin2000-01 2nd XI v Old Mentonians
7th wktAll148*P Hiland D Murphy1981-82 3rd XI v Highett
8th wktAll161 A Graham P Way1972-73 2nd XI v Highett
9th wktAll122 D Murphy A Roach1982-83 2nd XI v Moorabbin Park
10th wktAll189*A Lolive K Srinivasan2024-25 4th XI v Middle Park

Includes matches starting on 08/03/2025