MCC Run-Out Records

Lowest percentage run-out involvements

Most Run-OutsInvolvementsHighest %per Season
Girish Chopra00022 0.00
Stephen Gange00023 0.00
Jason Guest00027 0.00
Greg Hansen00021 0.00
Neil Jamieson00023 0.00
Alan Loughron00043 0.00
Jeremy Mauerhoffer00029 0.00
Varun KR Tadimarri00034 0.00
Nuwan Karunarathne01145 2.22
James McArthur10145 2.22
Grant Poulter10140 2.50
Andrew Ross01138 2.63
Liam Brooks10136 2.78
Brad Kruger11269 2.90
James Gray213103 2.91
Stephen Gifford01133 3.03
Mark Saunders10132 3.13
David Wilkinson10131 3.23
Jason Vincent10130 3.33
Don McDermott246178 3.37
Minimum 20 innings
Note: dismissals can only be determined when we have scorebook details. These are currently being loaded into the database, so this listing only covers the 1995-96 season onwards to the current day. The data collection task is progressing

Includes matches starting on 11/01/2025