MCC Results

Season: Player:

Season Matches for a Player


R Smith

RndTeamMatch DateHome TeamResultAway Team
3B Team1949-10-29OrmondMurrumbeena
103 F Hayes 2/15 P Barr 4/21 T Kirk 3/41 7/138 K Wilson 39 K Harvey 35
4B Team1949-11-12MurrumbeenaEast Caulfield
and 5/13
29 R Smith 6/4
and 58

Season Summary

Click on Runs, Wkts or Avge to sort in that sequence
Batting onlyBowling only

Includes matches starting on 25/01/2025

Games PlayedBattingFieldingBowling
1949-50B XI201116183.0016/4
TOTAL for Season201116183.0016/4