MCC Results

Season: Player:

Season Matches for a Player


Simon Goold

RndTeamMatch DateHome TeamResultAway Team
2Fourth XI2009-10-10Murrumbeena lost to Middle Park
134 J Bailes 48 136 P Gyi 2/23 J Bailes 2/16 N Rodway 3/26 S Goold 2/15
4Third XI2009-11-14MurrumbeenaMcKinnon
137 B Fenton 44 R Symons 41
and 8/62
83 V Mehta 4/10 R Symons 2/17 K Jani 2/21 D Hardham 2/4
and 124 V Mehta 4/29 R Symons 2/13 B Baxter 2/27
8Fourth XI2009-12-12Chelsea def Murrumbeena
7/303 S Goold 2/87 P Paranagama 2/60 8/273 A Wood 28 A Menara 112

Season Summary

Click on Runs, Wkts or Avge to sort in that sequence
Batting onlyBowling only

Includes matches starting on 25/01/2025

Games PlayedBattingFieldingBowling
2009-103rd XI1010.001
2009-104th XI23022315.00150410225.502/15
TOTAL for Season330302310.001150410225.502/15