MCC Results

Season: Player:

Season Matches for a Player


Prashanth Shetty

RndTeamMatch DateHome TeamResultAway Team
3Fourth XI2019-10-19Caulfield Grammarians / NCG drew Murrumbeena
146 M Poonia 2/19 V Hooda 2/21 D Prasad 3/19
6Fourth XI2019-11-09Port Melbourne def Murrumbeena
6/145 R Mathyam 2/19 H Adapa 2/22 142 R Mathyam 42 A Abedin 34
7Fourth XI2019-11-23Brighton DistrictMurrumbeena
134 R Mathyam 2/13 G Singh 3/17 M Poonia 2/3 P Carter 2/24 198 K Padmanabhan 48 D Prasad 60* N Miliaresis 26
9Fourth XI2019-12-07Parkdale def Murrumbeena
4/129 B Nagaraja 2/49 120 D Prasad 33
10Fourth XI2019-12-14MurrumbeenaBayside
5/165 D Prasad 50N B Nagaraja 32 H Adapa 25* 8/164 D Prasad 4/23 H Adapa 2/24
11Fourth XI2019-12-21MurrumbeenaOld Mentonians
6/143 PK Shetty 33 D Prasad 53N 8/142 V Hooda 4/35
13Fourth XI2020-01-18Port MelbourneMurrumbeena
111 R Mathyam 3/7 M Poonia 2/18 H Adapa 4/21 199 D Prasad 50 V Mehta 52*
18Fourth XI2020-02-29Brighton DistrictMurrumbeena
142 D Prasad 2/31 H Adapa 2/20 R Mathyam 3/8 4/144 M Poonia 41* V Mehta 36*
SFFourth XI2020-03-07Caulfield Grammarians / NCGMurrumbeena
65 V Mehta 2/20 H Adapa 3/22 M Poonia 2/14 2/69
GFFourth XI2020-03-14South Caulfield def Murrumbeena
6/150 D Prasad 2/32 V Mehta 2/25 144 S Thangaraju 54

Season Summary

Click on Runs, Wkts or Avge to sort in that sequence
Batting onlyBowling only

Includes matches starting on 25/01/2025

Games PlayedBattingFieldingBowling
2019-204th XI1010093311.1152
TOTAL for Season10100903311.1152