MCC Results

Team: Opposition:

Matches Against a Single club for Team

U11 Sun Croxford

East Malvern Red

Percentage Won:66.7Percentage Lost:33.3
Longest StreaksWinning:2Losing:1Current:0 Last Six:WWL

Associated matches played against: East Malvern, East Malvern Blue, East Malvern Red, East Malvern Tooronga, East Malvern White

SeasonRndMatch DateHome TeamResultAway Team
2007-0872007-11-24East Malvern RedMurrumbeena
5/95 5/115
2007-0862007-11-17East Malvern RedMurrumbeena
6/127 9/166 N Chapman 26N
2005-0662005-12-10East Malvern Red def Murrumbeena
6/80 M McMahon 2/4
and 4/66
and 7/52

Includes matches starting on 16/03/2024