Successive Matches Played without a Win: 5th XI

Streak of 4 matches against Notting Hill
RoundMatch DateHome TeamResultAway Team
Previous Match
101/10/1977MurrumbeenaNotting Hill
133 E Watson 26 J Gange 62* 97 J Gange 2/32 P Gellie 4/25
and 5/135 J Gange 3/29
1018/02/1978Notting Hill def Murrumbeena
7/287 J Gange 2/38 P Gellie 3/69 274 J Fielder 60 G Harrington 43 John Hindmarsh 34 R McConchie 63
713/01/1979Murrumbeena lost to Notting Hill
204 M Pellissier 28 D Blair 33 John Hindmarsh 35* R McConchie 38 9/216 J Gange 3/45 R McConchie 3/28
907/02/1981Murrumbeena lost to Notting Hill
162 D Martin 30 P Gellie 44 9/268 P Gellie 3/56 G de Laine 3/59 M Shallue 2/43
712/12/1981Murrumbeena lost to Notting Hill
and 211 D Sturt 32 B Carbone 91*
6/202 R McConchie 4/74
and 0/19
Next Match
513/11/1982MurrumbeenaNotting Hill
265 D Stewart 32 B Carbone 93 K O'Halloran 46 G Russell 53 96 B Carbone 4/20 G Foster 2/21 G de Laine 4/23
and 6/185

Includes matches starting on 16/03/2024