MCC Statistics

Key Club Records
Batting Records at a Glance
Bowling Records at a Glance
Jim McDermott Award
Don Johnston Award
Career Details
Individual Career Report
Averages Listings
List of Average Winners
Detailed Averages
Yearly Averages Summary
Team Averages
Season Results for a Team
Season Results for a Player
Results against a single club
Player results against a single club
Winning and Losing Streaks
Match Details
1st XI Cap Numbers
1st XI Cap Numbers
Notable Performances
Century Partnerships
Carried Bat
Five Wickets in Innings
Ten Wickets in Match
Hat Tricks
The Double
Averages Won
Successive 100s and 50s
Multiple 100s and 50s
100s and 50s in a Season
Bowlers conceding 100 runs
Runs Scored
Games Played
Wickets Taken
Balls Bowled
Finals Menu
Club Records
Runs Scored
Games Played
Seasons Played
Wickets Taken
Balls Bowled
Batting Average
Bowling Average
100s and 50s
5wi and 10wm
Runs in a Season
Wickets in a Season
High and Low Innings Scores
Filtered Innings Scores
Games played by Two Players
Records vs a Club
Win/Loss Summary
JDs Blog

Includes matches starting on 13/10/2024